

2009年12月15日、バージョン3.0がリリースされました。米$80(旧バージョン優待で米$55)のpro版と、米$40(優待米$15)の通常版がラインナップされています(無料版はありませんが、2.5 starterの提供は継続されています)。


1 名前: 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 Mail: 投稿日: 04/09/21(火) 00:03:13


Ambient Design

    • 価格:米$25(シングルOSライセンス版)または米$35(ハイブリッドOSライセンス版・船便)

    • 日本語版:解説書つき4,980円/3,980円(パッケージ版)/2,980円(ダウンロード版)
       ・英語版とのシリアル互換はありません(ただし日本語版のシリアルをAmbient Designに登録する事で、英語最新版へのアップグレードは可能です)






ArtRage ver5






   * Mac OS X Universal Binary:
      ArtRage 2.2 OS X is now a Universal binary for PPC and Intel Macs. It will run on OS X version 10.3.9 or higher.
   * Improved Memory Management:
      Memory use has been improved so that large documents with multiple layers use
     significantly less memory than in version 2.11.
   * Photoshop Layer Blend Modes: ArtRage 2.2 supports all of the blend modes in Photoshop CS2. You can access
      these from the Layer Blending menu in the Layers Panel. 
      Blend modes are imported and exported with PSD format documents.
   * ArtRage Auto Updater:
      The ArtRage Auto Updater included in version 2.2 allows quick and easy updates when a new version is released.
   * Oil Thinners:
      The Oil tool now allows you to thin your oils significantly. Everything over 50% thinners starts to make
      the paint transparent to allow painting of oil glazes or gels.
   * Metallic Value Control:
      You can now adjust the level of metallic color applied to your paint to give partially reflective or pearlescent paints.
   * Glitter improvements:
      Glitter has other shapes available for different texturing effects. Also glitter now chooses color from tracing images
      for each glitter particle individually so detailed textured paintings can rapidly be created.
   * Reference Image Zoom:
      You can now zoom and pan the contents of reference images without changing the size of the reference pinned to
      the canvas to focus on detail on one particular are of the reference.
      With multiple reference images pinned to the canvas, you can mix detail with overviews.
   * PTG File Thumbnails:
       Your painting files are now given thumbnails in your OS. On Windows, a Shell extension gives
      thumbnails of ArtRage paintings inside Windows Explorer when the view mode is ‘Thumbnails’.
      On MacOSX a custom icon displays the painting contents in the file browsers.
   * Many other features, updates and bug-fixes!


 *  パレットナイフの色の伸び具合を調整しました
 * ドライブラシ機能を追加しました
 * 絵を一時的に反転表示する機能を追加しました (横方向 Hキー、縦方向 Vキー)
 * ウインドウのタイトルバーに作品名を表示しました
 * マルチユーザ環境での使用に対応しました
 * 100%より大きなサイズのペイントツールを使用可能にしました
 * 印刷時に作品名を印刷しないようにしました
 * フェルトペンの表現を調整しました
 * エアブラシの吹きつけ量を調整しました
 * ローラーの基本サイズを大きくしました
 * 空のレイヤーがあるPSDファイルのインポート/エクスポートを改善しました



Reworked the Palette Knife to improve smearing and blending quality.

Added a 'Dry Brush' function. When you take the Oil Brush Loading to 0% the brush applies no paint, 
you can use it to blend existing paint as if it was clean.

Added a 'Quick Mirror' function that allows you to do a quick 'mirror check' of your painting.
Holding down the H key flips your painting horizontally, holding down the V key flips it vertically. 
When you release the key, the painting returns to its normal orientation. This function is for people 
who like to be able to do mirror checks of their work to check for structural problems.

You can now change the background colour used by ArtRage. If your canvas is smaller than the 
ArtRage window, select the colour you want and Alt/Option-Click the background. The default  
colour is white.

Added the name of your current painting to the titlebar of the ArtRage window.

The Spacebar can now be used to move the canvas. Hold the spacebar down and left click/drag to 
move the canvas. When you release the spacebar, your selected tool will work again. To rotate the canvas,
 hold down the spacebar then the Alt/Option key and left click/drag the canvas.

Changed how ArtRage stores its registration and user preference information so that multiple user 
accounts on one machine will have easier access to the application.

Added the ability to 'oversize' tools. When you single click the tool size preview you are prompted to enter
a percentage value for the tool size. You can now manually enter sizes up to 500%. 
You can stil only use the standard size preview slide functionality to reach 100%, but some users 
had requested larger tools. Please note, you may experience some unusual behaviour in tools over 
100%, we do not suggest using this feature unless you are working on extremely large documents.




  • ArtRageスレまとめ
  • Tips
2010-09-18 2010-01-03

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