News / 2007

Revised regi rulez

1. Everyone MUST have a minimum of 3 sets max.
-Recommended 4 sets max or more
-Everyone including 0 reinca: Min. 80 tact.
-PR14 and 15: Min. 100 tact.
-PR 16 and above: Must play 120 tact

All Eduers Must have:
i)- At least 1 MAX AA( Nix / Ball / Falcon* )
ii)- At least 1 MAX sitter( Revs / Wights / Imps ) + Liche / jors
iiia)- At least 1 MAX clearer( Arbs+Eye / Pigs / jor-imps )
ivb) - At least 1 MAX hunter ( shee / ghast / eagle* ) with Jammer-Eye/Spirit/both

*Falcon needs a min. of 100 tact. and is ban for pr15 and above.
*Eagle is ban for pr15 and above
*Level clearer to make up for ivb) , Level hunter to make up for iiia)

All Clouters Must have:
- At least 2 sets of MAX poccers
( Wraith / Levi / Moth / knell / medic* )

*knells/medics are support poccers, make sure you have Wraith / Levi / Moth as well.
*Medic is ban for players above PR13.
-Clouters poc and hold it as long as possible.


- At least 1 set of MAX Clearer ( Vults/ Arbs/ Pigs )
- At least 1 set MAX Minner [ Sapper / Albs ]

Apply to ALL:
- MAX PR CAP in Nightwatch: PR17 (345points)
- Level impact units from start of reinca.
- XP and leveling are not your main reasons to be in NW.
- Be PR Worthy.
- Maximum 2 leveling sets, rest max: 3/5, 4/6, 5/7, 6/8 and so on.
- 1 of these 2 leveling sets may be a fun set (not recommended though)

2.- EG vs. wulu is 8min.
- EG vs. Regiment is 10min onwards.
- Play units that’s NEEDED at that moment, NOT when/what you PLANNED to play. 
3. Always call out which portal and units before reining.

4. No Mercing at all times, even when the pop is low.

5. Avoid BBS Flaming and Public Spamming.

6. Respect ALL regimates, settle everything peacefully.

7. Do NOT stay at battle front lines, let the PBC hit first.
- Do not put our regiment into difficult position.

8. NO char sharing with non-regimates. NOT even awhile.

9. Participate in the forums, for weekly updates.

This post has been edited by zorro on Mar 31 2007, 09:02 AM

I will translate into Japanese.

YAS 2007-03-31 (土) 13:25:25

  • Medic is ban for players above PR13 ← ある意味正しい。これに引っかかったのでmax sapperにしようと考え中。 -- YAS 2007-03-31 (土) 13:36:31

Site Updated

I have organized FrontPage and Log Pages (News, Members, Comments),

and reset "NightWatch Players!" (stats list) in this page.

YAS 2007-03-21 (水) 14:14:03

  • Yas3 also use our main forums(learn english there!) --> -- RuLezzz 2007-03-22 (木) 15:14:40


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  • News/2007


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sileighty is gay!! lolx